Hrvatski Telekom presented the “Call you don’t want to miss” platform, which focuses on environmental protection, more efficient use of natural resources, circular economy and conscientious management of electronic equipment and waste. This platform responds to alarming data about the large amount of unused mobile phones in Croatia, and the goal is to educate citizens about the importance of proper disposal of electronic waste.


According to research by Hrvatski Telekom, there are as many as five million mobile phones in Croatia that are not being used. If these mobile phones were properly disposed of and recycled, it would mean a reduction of 850 tons of electronic waste and avoid the emission of more than 1,500 tons of carbon dioxide. Just for comparison, it takes 50 trees that have been growing for a year to remove one ton of carbon dioxide.


The report of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development shows that in 2021, 74,550 tons of electronic equipment were placed on the Croatian market, which is an increase of 12% compared to the previous year. At the same time, 11.9 kilograms of electronic waste were produced per inhabitant, while only 35,477 tons of waste were collected. The “small IT and telecommunications equipment” category, which includes mobile phones, accounted for only 6% of the collected volume.

What exactly makes electronic waste?

1. Heat exchange equipment: refrigerators; icicles; equipment for automatic separation of cold products; air conditioners and other devices for ventilation, venting and air conditioning; dehumidification equipment; heat pumps; oil radiators and other heat exchange equipment in which fluids other than water are used for temperature exchange; other heat exchange equipment

2. Screens, monitors and equipment containing screens with a surface area greater than 100 cm2: screens; televisions; LCD photo frames; monitors; computers


3. Light bulbs: flat fluorescent bulbs and compact fluorescent bulbs; discharge lamps, including high pressure sodium vapor lamps and metal vapor lamps; low-pressure sodium lamps; LED, other bulbs

4. Large equipment (dimensions greater than 50 cm): washing machines; clothes dryers; dishwashers; kitchen stoves; electric stoves; electric heating panels; large lighting fixtures; sound or image reproduction equipment; musical equipment; machines for knitting and weaving; large computers; large printers; copying equipment; large coin-operated machines; large medical products; large monitoring and control instruments; large instruments for automatic dispensing of products and money; photovoltaic panels; other large equipment

5. Small equipment (dimensions less than 50 cm): vacuum cleaners; carpet cleaning devices; sewing devices; small lighting fixtures; microwave devices; ventilation equipment; irons; toasters; electric knives; electric kettles; watches and clocks; electric shavers; scales; devices for hair and body care; calculators; radios, video cameras, video recorders, HI-FI devices; musical instruments; small equipment for image or sound reproduction; electric or electronic toys; sports equipment, computers for cycling, diving, running, rowing, etc.; smoke detectors; heating regulators; thermostats; small electric and electronic tools; small medical products; small monitoring and control instruments; small devices for automatic dispensing of products; small devices with built-in photovoltaic panels; other small equipment

6. Small information technology (IT) equipment and telecommunications equipment (no external dimension exceeding 50 cm): mobile phones; GPS devices; pocket calculators; routers; personal computers; printers; telephones; tablets; laptops, other small information technology (IT) equipment and other telecommunications equipment, e.g. cables, chargers, external batteries



Hrvatski Telekom’s research reveals that 40% of respondents change mobile phones within two years, and 68% within three years. The majority of citizens keep their old cell phones because of exchange, giving to family, fear of data theft, ignorance of proper disposal or practicality. Unfortunately, almost every tenth citizen throws mobile phones in ordinary trash.


The “Call you don’t want to miss” platform was designed to make it easier for citizens to properly dispose of old cell phones and other small electronic equipment. In three simple steps, citizens can contribute to the preservation of the environment:

  1. Find an old device: Mobile phones, tablets, routers, chargers and other small electronic equipment.
  2. Visit the nearest T-Center.
  3. Hand over the device: A certified institution will dispose it in an environmentally friendly way.



Electronic waste contains valuable materials such as silver, gold, copper, palladium, cobalt and nickel. By recycling, these materials can be used again, thus reducing the need to exploit natural resources. As many as 62 different chemical elements can be found in a new generation smartphone, which further emphasizes the importance of recycling.

The “Call you don’t want to miss” initiative is not only an ordinary project, but a call to responsible behavior towards the environment. Hrvatski Telekom invites citizens to respond and contribute to the preservation of natural resources and the reduction of electronic waste. Proper disposal of electronic devices is essential for the health of our planet and ourselves.

By bringing old cell phones and other equipment to T-Centres, citizens can be sure that their devices will be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Let’s respond to this call and make our planet a better place for future generations.